

There's no easy way to say goodbye to a friend, especially when they've supported you through your darkest times. Made possible by Patagonia . Generous support from: First Descents, Ruffwear and Snow Peak
How many Brazilians, as happens all over the world, pay to have sex in brothels, low-class bars, luxury hotels, night clubs, in the alleyways of the favelas or even in a car in front of the Copacabana Palace Hotel in Rio de Janeiro?
The ecstatic Gomira dance masks of Dinajpur district have ensued from animistic practices of the Desi and Poli communities of the Rajbangshis. Every village has its own Gomira dance troupe.
My wife is from Habana and I met her in Santiago in 2000. She left the island in 1996 and never get back till summer of 2005. That was when I was able to get to Cuba with her and our 2 sons. She had not seen her father for 9 years, so it was a very touching moment when she met him in habana airport as we land.
Photographs were taken during 2014-2015 in an asylum in Belgrade, Serbia. Residents belong to different age groups, corporal and mental competence. Common to all is that they were brought to the borders of existence, some of them are on the boundary between life and death
My passion to create is driven by my bicultural background as an Iranian-American. My work is a reflection of culture as well as the self, pursuing distinct and obscure emotions in an attempt to create a narrative and connect with humanity.
This Photo Series is from the Famous Festival " Charak" from the rural part of West Bengal, India .Charak Puja has its own special place in West Bengal, the state of festivals. It is a special folk festival, celebrated for bidding good-bye to the passing year.
I am old and grey. I am alone inside these four walls and I can only talk to my loneliness. My loneliness is killing me inside.I am almost imperceptible to those people, who are happy in their busy own world. Sometimes, I feel like a critter, for whom these humans had a stiff-arm.
I started to search for faces and eyes who express Desolated life, and I usually photograph people outside life . For example inside a bath house, where I made some portraits of the workers in front of their changing room in a static pose.
The Korowais, a society company at the ancient culture in which we live in the trees of a forest that protects and nourishes. Discovered in 1974, the semi-nomadic tribe operates in near autarky in the dense jungle of Papua.
On October 6th, 2010, Juno award winning, Canadian Jazz greats David Braid (piano) and Phil Nimmons (clarinet) improvised some wonderful
Hazaribagh in Bangladesh isone of the most polluted places in the world. The city, situated in the southwest of Dhaka, is an industrial area that flourished as a result of its leather industry which dates back to the pre-independence East Pakistan era.
Sajila is a working mother living in wretched conditions at the Korail slum, the largest and most populated urban slum located in the capital city of Dhaka. She resides there with her husband, mother-in-law and three children.
In 'Fertility' series the author turns to mythology and daily graft of ancient women in Slavic culture to reconsider the role of a woman in the modern society.
It is so hard not to get involved in politics when discussing Cuba and its people. I try not to be drawn into that trap. My focus is on common people, those who walk the streets, and those who use public transportation and pay with Cuban pesos instead of CUC
The apparent contrast in the photograph with a lone house in the midst of rubbles and shadows of skyscraper failed to tell the story that the building owner had collected multimillion dollars as compensation for the demolition and moved to overseas.
Conceived and built during the British Raj, India’s railway lines are still the main arteries of the country’s traffic system. In hectic, overcrowded train stations travelers fight for space inside (or even on the roof of) one of the seemingly endless trains.
On my trips to India I noticed a certain car model that was to be seen everywhere and easily transcended the boundaries between social classes. It was driven by businessmen, government officials, taxi drivers and politicians.
I have met these ethnic Tibetan boys in their native village on 2,380 m altitude in Manaslu area (Nepal). You may not find in the whole world such an independent and self-confident children like those in Himalayas who live a simple natural life.
It was 2009 when i went first time in Kiev (capital) of Ukraine and was totally in love with this amazing country and lovely people.I think Ukrainians and Georgians has a lot of common. 2014 was the hardest and sadness year for this beautiful country
The sound of her steps breaking dry leaves disrupts the cold morning and blends with the singing birds and the rooster crow. Her bustling spirit accelerates her door-to-door movement across the modest community.
Dwarfs, with a deformed or child-like body, dressed up and made up to frighten audiences in a Ghost House, and it instantly brings to mind old freaks shows. It shocks immediately, as a terrible step backwards in terms of human rights, a disabilities.
Pursuing the work carried out with my series " Lacanau-Océan 2014" I begin a new series on the country near of which I live: French Vexin. It is about a farmland which receives its own mysteries which the only light can reveal.
This idea “Mode à Paris” came to my mind for organisational reasons, because i was in Paris for another project, and I used it as much as I could. I wanted to tell about the world and dimensions of the Paris fashion week-goers, in this case.
Handisport is not only about having a positive attitude about your capabilities but also uniting with others at your ability level to participate in sports live healthy active lives and enjoy a better quality of life overall.
Foot binding is the custom of applying painfully tight binding to the feet of young girls to prevent further growth. The practice possibly originated among upper-class court dancers during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period in Imperial China
My project Teeth of the Sea documents the relationship that residents of Martha's Vineyard have with the ocean. The island where I grew up lies off the coast of Cape Cod in Massachusetts and requires a forty-five minute ferry ride to gain access.
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- Between 10/30 images of your best images, in case your project contains a greater number of images which are part of the same indivisible body of work will also be accepted. You must send the images in jpg format to 1200px and 72dpi and quality 9. (No borders or watermarks)
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Dodho Magazine accepts submissions from emerging and professional photographers from around the world.
Their projects can be published among the best photographers and be viewed by the best professionals in the industry and thousands of photography enthusiasts. Dodho magazine reserves the right to accept or reject any submitted project. Due to the large number of presentations received daily and the need to treat them with the greatest respect and the time necessary for a correct interpretation our average response time is around 5/10 business days in the case of being accepted. This is the information you need to start preparing your project for its presentation.
To send it, you must compress the folder in .ZIP format and use our Wetransfer channel specially dedicated to the reception of works. Links or projects in PDF format will not be accepted. All presentations are carefully reviewed based on their content and final quality of the project or portfolio. If your work is selected for publication in the online version, it will be communicated to you via email and subsequently it will be published.
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