Kutupalong refugee camp; Citizens of despair by Javier Arcenillas

The most atrocious conditions you can imagine, when living under a military tyranny ruling the country, as in Burma –a country closed to foreign journalists– can be seen at Kutupalong refugee camp.


Our printed editions, circulating throughout various galleries, festivals and agencies are dipped in creativity.

The spirit of DODHO’s printed edition is first and foremost an opportunity to connect with a photographic audience that values the beauty of print and those photographers exhibited within the pages of this magazine.

We invite professional and amateur photographers from all around the world to share their work in our printed edition.


The most atrocious conditions you can imagine, when living under a military tyranny ruling the country, as in Burma –a country closed to foreign journalists– can be seen at Kutupalong refugee camp.

We are talking about the Burmese group most crushed, the victims of the worst injustice, about all the suffering inhabitants of that beautiful and sinister country. They are named the Rohingyas and the fact that they consider worth the effort and the risk to flee to Kutupalong says it all. First, because Bangladesh is not exactly El Dorado.

It is such a densely populated country and so poor, that were UK to  similar economic conditions, it should have a population of 550 million and an average income not half of which a english has today –during the worst recession in living memory– but the twentieth part. Secondly, because Kutupalong camp is a kind of limbo of homelessness, particularly for the major segment of its inhabitants, who –for political reasons difficult to rationalize– do not have the support of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees. People here exist but do not live. They breathe, sleep, eat but they lack the concept of a better future and the human dignity that the concept involves. [Official Website ]
Noapara CITIZEN DESPAIR, Rohingya Womans Citizens of Despair Citizens of Despair04 (2) Citizens of Despair04 Citizens of Despair06 (2)

CITIZEN DESPAIR, Rohingya Womans

CITIZEN DESPAIR, Rohingya Womans Citizens of Despair Citizens of Despair Noapara Citizens of despair005 CITIZEN DESPAIR, Rohingya Womans Citizens of Despair Citizens of Despair10 Citizens of despair012 Kalna Microcredits Citizens of despair025 CITIZEN DESPAIR, Rohingya children

One comment

  • janssens serge

    Jul 31, 2014 at 20:55

    Reportage réaliser sans voyeurisme ce qui est souvent le cas de ce genre de démarche . De plus Javier Arcenillas utilise une technique et un sens artistique que j’apprécie énormément . Mes félicitations ! Serge

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