Transgender people: TranSItion by Seigar

This series aims to show the lives of four transgender people with the intention of making their reality visible, respected, and accepted by society through empathy


Our printed editions, circulating throughout various galleries, festivals and agencies are dipped in creativity.

The spirit of DODHO’s printed edition is first and foremost an opportunity to connect with a photographic audience that values the beauty of print and those photographers exhibited within the pages of this magazine.

We invite professional and amateur photographers from all around the world to share their work in our printed edition.

This series aims to show the lives of four transgender people with the intention of making their reality visible, respected, and accepted by society through empathy

In the title: TranSItion the syllable SI that means yes in Spanish is capitalized and in bold to emphasize and reinforce the constructive and assertive approach to their stories Each person is presented in two images, a portrait and a photograph of an object that represents their transition.

The four participants opened their houses and their rooms, the objective of showing their privacy was to expose their worlds. Fear is what leads human beings to discrimination or hate, so when people know the realities that they ignore, they can stop being afraid. The objects were chosen by them as the symbols of their transitions and in this way, the relationship people establish with objects was also explored. These things were positioned on top of different hashtags that were selected previously by the four to define themselves, the use of these labels is to show they are more than their transitions because no one can only be described just by one word. The colors also portray their identity because the hashtags were printed using their favorite colors. The portraits become the traditional representation and the photographs of the objects give a more modern and technological way to understand their identity. Aarón, Mer, Wyatt, and Yuli were interviewed during the process of this series, and I must say thanks for their trust and for opening their hearts to me. Ignorance produces hate, knowing is the best way to tackle ignorance, and empathy is the only path to love. This project is part of my last focus and interest in photography that is identity, everything that defines us.

Name: Aarón.

Age: 18

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Fave Color: Green.

TranSItion object: Aarón chose the Mister Photogenic 2019 band that he got in a male beauty pageant because he feels he has always been visible since he started his transition.

Hashtags: #humble #kind #brave #sincere #courteous #loyal #stubborn #determined #immediate #protector #reasonable #pacific.

About Aarón: Aarón has been given lectures and workshops about LGTBIQ people to inform and also to help, especially focusing on his personal experience. Since he was three years old, he liked his hair short. When he was eight, he was obliged to wear a dress, but he went back home to change, he would never put on a dress anymore. He liked playing football, but according to society that was not compatible with being a girl. He felt society was treating him in a way he didn’t feel like. He never felt he was a girl. He identifies himself as a gay guy. He didn’t suffer bullying at school probably because of his strong confidence. He keeps on living in the same neighborhood and having the same friends and contacts. He confesses the operations can scar your life, but they are like war scars, which means “you suffer but at the same time you get stronger and that makes who you are”. He also visits schools to talk to students about transgender people. He prefers working with children or elderly people, giving the same information just adapting to the audience. He understands there are many ways to be visible and to help others. He considers himself a reasonable and pacific person. His grandmother lived and experienced the dictatorship during Franco’s period, but he could change her mind to make her accept him. His dream would be not having to explain it and he also wishes there was no need to associate to fight for their rights. These days, he studies Speech Therapy at the University, in Tenerife.

Name: Yuli Pérez

Age: 23

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Fave Color: Pink

TranSItion object: Yuli chose a female shaving razor because it represents the harshness of the social stigma. Women are not supposed to have body hair, so she feels women have made a mistake following the beauty rules that society imposes. She’s got sensitive skin so this makes it worse for her. She just feels that beauty is something more than having hair or not. Shaving hurts her and she finds all this offensive. She anyway considers herself pretty, in fact, she is a quite confident girl.

Hashtags: #strong #force #brave #delicate #courage#empathic #happy #smiley #honest #sincere #intuitive #vain #teaser #transparent #anxious #impulsive #innocent.

About Yuli Pérez: She was raised as a girl, even though she would be called by her male name. She’s been out as a girl since she was 11 and she started her treatment at the age of 16. She feels she hasn’t suffered much because she started quite early. However, she has been bullied, and she has also been maltreated, she thinks these issues are still ignored by society. She has experienced difficult situations and sad stories in her life that she doesn’t like sharing on her social media, but she would tell them if they can help others. She overcame a bad relationship with a man that was using her vulnerability during the transition to his advantage. Now, she is stronger, braver, and happier than before. She considers herself a straight girl, and even though she never thought she could have a love relation with another transgender person, she finally met someone and she is quite happy with him. She feels they can understand each other. She is an activist though she is a bit tired of the associations because they require lots of effort and it’s also energy and time-consuming. She feels there is still discrimination and hypocrisy towards transgender people. However, her people accept and love her. She would like to write a book about her life, to leave a message behind so others can relate to her story. She defends her freedom in social networks, she likes to show her body but she sometimes has been attacked by her own friends. She is against this censorship. She would like those people were more coherent with their ideas and values.

Name: Wyatt

Age: 41

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Fave Color: Blue.

TranSItion object: Wyatt chose a football because it represents his freedom. Wyatt always felt he belonged there. He could be who he really was playing this sport with his friends. The football pitch was a safe place to be himself, and just be one more guy in the male group.

Hashtags: #transparent #courteous #sincere #committed #generous #kind #friendofhisfriends #familyoriented #homely.

About Wyatt: Wyatt started his transition two years ago. He is a bit shy and he prefers others to do the talking, but in fact, he is much loved by his people because he is quite generous and kind. He is the person who during friends or a family meeting would be looking around to see if someone needs something, so he can help. He is a helpful man. He feels that being so generous and caring can sometimes cause him troubles because he finds it hard to say no. He just likes pleasing his people and likes to see them happy and fine. Football is his escape when he plays football he just feels like a child again, the number 7 was his number and he remembers how free and happy he was wearing that top. These days, he still plays and feels free. I interviewed and shot Wyatt in a difficult moment for him, he had just said goodbye to an important relative in his life. When I returned the football to him, he looked different and he was smiling. He is a strong man.

Name: Mer

Age: 20

Zodiac Sign: Solar: Leo/Lunar: Sagittarius/Ascendant: Scorpio

Fave Color: Yellow-Orange.

TranSItion object: Mer chose a beautiful clown because she started her treatment during a summer she visited her house in Germany, and this clown has always been there. She lives in Tenerife but she often travels to Germany. This object reminds her of her childhood. She likes the clown more than before because she feels like a girl.

Hashtags: #delicate #sensitive #intense #perseverant #fighter #advocate #supporter #activist.

About Mer: Since 2017, she started to behave socially as a girl. Last summer, she started with her hormone treatment. She uses her social networks as a way to release her feelings. She is emotionally sensitive and now she thinks she is even more sensitive. These changes as a life metaphor also coincided in time with her moving from Germany to Tenerife. Her granny understood her and that is something that surprised Mer, sadly she passed away last year. Mer has also suffered bullying at school, but she tries to see as part of her past, though she is conscious she still can feel the consequences. She is into art, what is more, she is an illustrator. She also loves doing sketches and digital works. She also has a special connection with music. She kindly gave me some prints of her wonderful art pieces at the end of the shooting and the interview. She likes fighting for people’s rights. Mer feels she has got a fighter spirit.

About Seigar

Seigar is a passionate travel, street, social documentary, conceptual and pop photographer based in Tenerife. He feels obsessed with pop culture that he shows in his series. He is a fetishist for reflections, saturated colors, curious finds, and religious icons. He also flirts with journalism and video. His main inspiration is traveling. His aim as an artist is to tell tales with his camera, creating a continuous storyline from his trips. His most ambitious projects so far are his Plastic People, a study on anthropology and sociology that focuses on the humanization of the mannequins he finds in the shop windows all over the world, and his Tales of a City, an ongoing urban photo-narrative project taken in London. He is a philologist and also works as a secondary school teacher. He is a self-taught visual artist, though he has done a two years course in advanced photography and one in cinema and television. He has participated in several exhibitions and his works have been featured in many publications. He has collaborated with different media such as VICE and WAG1. He writes for The Cultural about photography and for Memoir Mixtapes about music. Lately, he has experimented with video forms. His last interest is documenting identity. Recently, he received the Rafael Ramos García International Photography Award. [Official Website]

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