The first image of Anna Malakhovskaya project is “Abortion industry”. The youth by all means is the golden calf of modern society.
Nowadays fetal therapy is developing impetuously: injections with embryonic cells, face and body creams made of abortive children’s bodies – not only a profitable business but also the death penalty. The golden egg is a myth symbol of eternal life, a desired result which makes people eat each other in the truest sense of this word. Modern cannibalism is the use of abortive children’s bodies in the newest scientific technologies.
The second image of the project is the understanding that a person’s birth and his death tragedy in this world not a chance event. Every minute in the world an abortion takes place. It means that somebody’s soul, unique and special, which hasn’t existed 1000 years before and which will never exist anymore, doesn’t have any chance to appear. It means that a real small child heart has just stopped beating because of his parents’ wish, because of their unwillingness. Baby, there is no place for you here on Earth. You have missed a chance to be born and now you are an angel. The symbolic palm takes you away from loveless.

The third image is about the third children. According to the statistics, the third child is aborted more often. A mother thinks that she does the right thing in this fatal moment. But then she almost always understands her awful mistake. At first sight there is a happy mother with two children in her heart. There is enough place for them and enough love. A little angel sits on the shoulder with an eternal unreplied question: “Was I a boy or a girl? Why me?”
The forth image is about the conception miracle. Incredible beauty of human development still astounds scientists. You may be an atheist or a believer, but it is impossible not to bow to this miracle. I wanted to create the symbolic light magic creature which shows a child’s development inside the mother in its hand. Somebody will see an angel or an alien in this creature, somebody will see a woman giving birth to the world. Let this image remind of the fact that the conception and birth miracle is not in our power and we can’t decide if this child will live or will be aborted.
Project idea/ Make-up/Photo and style by Anna Malakhovskaya [Official Website] | Project producer DASHA ART [Official Website]